
Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Amalfi inspired

Following a recent visit to Conca Dei Marini on the Amalfi coast, I created a Limoncello inspired recipe. The holiday was a real treat of sun and relaxation at an apartment called Villa Donna Antonia . The apartment had a very serviceable kitchen so I was looking forward to some cooking. We arrived lat on a Saturday night and were greeted by one of the hosts, Francesco, who gave us a good overview of everything we needed to know about the area from restaurants to transport links and places to visit. I learned that the local supermarket would be open on Sunday morning. In the meantime, we satisfied our appetite with a plate of local ham and hay smoked mozzarella but more about the cheese in a later post.

Sunday morning was beautifully warm and sunny and we strolled up to the supermarket to stock up the kitchen. This was when we began our adventures. I could not find lemons and on enquiring, I was told lemons should be in on Wednesday and onions on Monday. Over the next two weeks, we learned when things were in stock along with finding a great butcher who was open until at least 10pm along with a vegetable seller with a little truck who appeared in one or two locations during the week. During some of these shopping excursions, I purchased an Amalfi lemon about the size of a grapefruit. This was the inspiration for the recipe.

On one of our final days, the extra-large lemon still very present by the fridge, I decided to create a pasta dish. I carefully peeled 2/3 of the lemon rind away and finly chopped it. I then took the remaining 1/3 and finly julienned it. I then peeled the lemon and broke up most of the fruit into small pearls of lemon.

I prepared some fresh pasta with oregano put some water on to boil. I created a small amount of sugar syrup with equal parts of water and sugar. Once it was clear I added the julienned lemon rind and some green peppercorns and let them simmer.  I cooked off some prawns (sufficient for two people) with half a bulb of garlic finely minced, some fresh zucchini and small chili from the garden. I cooked the pasta with the finely chopped lemon rind and reduced the syrup until it was almost sticky. I drained the pasta, added it to the prawns and added the lemon pearls just before plating up. I then poured a small glass of vodka into the lemon sugar syrup and added a little salt. I then placed the candied rind on top of the dish and poured the Limoncello inspired sauce over the plate. The result was a dish now affectionately known as Limoncello gamberi  Villa Donna Antonia con pasta limone.  The presentation is not all it could be but I worked with what I had.

Thursday, 11 July 2019

È ora di migliorare il mio italiano

My shiny new Blast Freezer arrived as expected yesterday. After wrestling the 50kg unit through the house the next problem was to find a temporary home for it. Once it was installed and had settled for a few hours I thought it was time for a try out. I soon had it up and running so I opened the manual to see how to freeze my first items. Che catastrofe. Tutto era in Italiano. OK, I realise the home of excellent ice cream is Italy and the blast freezer is an ideal tool for creating such a product but all bar a very small section with basic ‘how to turn it on’ instructions were in Italian.
              I soldiered on and managed to get it working. Taking the temperature down to -40C I soon had a couple of chicken thighs reduced to frozen solid. My only issue was a periodic beeping and the whole freeze process on hold. A few hours later I guessed that Ld that was flashing on the display had something to do with the door. It seemed closed but on touching it the error message vanished and the freezing recommenced. I have now come to the conclusion that the sensor is not correctly positioned so as the temperature drops, the door contracts slightly and a false error is created.
I will endeavour to correct the sensor issue over the next day or two as time permits and I can then try a little experiment. We all know that putting Vodka in the freezer thickens it but at -27C or so it should freeze. This means I can make Alcohol Cubes to put in my tonic. More on this later

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Back in business (at last)

I had got so bored with the same old same old and had entered something of a rut when it came to cooking and eating. What I needed was a few new toys in the kitchen. I was waiting for the delivery of a new BBQ ( )and a new Sous Vide ( ) from kickstarter type projects and was still hunting around for a blast freezer at a fair price. Finally, after over a year of waiting my internet controlled SousVide has arrived and is fully functional. The BBQ has arrived and tomorrow a nice new (if small) blast freezer arrives ( . I can finally get back to a little creativity in my cooking again. If I really want to push the envelope then I can use my 3d printer (a gift from my wife at Christmas) and its upgraded print head to create custom shaped silicon cookware. Other additions to the arsenal are a centrifuge and an instant pot pressure cooker along with a Thermomix. OK, I still need to build a blast chamber for a vacuum distillation setup and I am no nearer the purchase of an anti-griddle but you can't have everything.

Hope to have a few more interesting posts very soon.