
Sunday, 29 September 2013

Busy, busy, busy

Sorry if you missed me. I have had a rather busy weekend so no time to write. I got roped into a bowling match yesterday, Drake style not 10 pin. No, I don't bowl. I was a member of the drunkards team and came joint last. The real ale was good though. And watching the rugby on BT Sport during the breaks between matches. That took up a large chunk of the day and I have a new summer house arriving later this week to replace the one I built some thirteen years ago. Apparently, the local insect population admire my culinary skills as much as my friends. Over the last thirteen years they have moved in and devoured key parts of the structure of the old summer house I designed and built when we moved in so time for a new one. Today involved clearing out and pulling down what is left. The good news is that I have a stack of good firewood to fuel the fire pit. The better news is that I won the meat raffle at the club on Friday so I have a great lump of beef to play with and best of all, this weekend I managed to find time to cook off some figs, sous vide some beef, create a good value orange liqueur, make some stock syrup and take a few photographs during the process. Look out for the posts later this week.
     Hope you all had a great weekend. I am looking forward to sharing the fun I had with food with you later in the week but for now, I need to relax with a nice Jacobs Creek Cold harvest Sauvignon Blanc 2012. Only 10.5%, Light and refreshing with no hangover tomorrow as I roll back into work.

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